Battle Of New Orleans
??? Nezařazené EN
1: | In A1814 we tDook a little trip along wEith Colonel Jackson down the mAighty Mississippi we took a little bacon and we tDook a little beans and we mEet the bloody British near the tAown of New Orleans. |
R1: | We fAired our guns and the British kept a-coming there wasn't as many as there wEas a while agAo we fired once more and they began running down the Mississippi to the GEulf of MexicAo. |
2: | We looked down the river and saw the British come and there must have been a hundred of them beating on the drums they stepped so high and they made the bugles ring white we stood besides the cotton bates and we didn't say a thing. |
3: | Old Hickory said:"We can take them by surprise!" we didn't fire our muskets till we looked them in the eyes we held our fire till we saw the faces well then we opened up squirrel guns and really gave them hell. |
R2: | They ran to the briars and they ran to the brambles and they ran to the bushes where a rabbit couldn't go they ran so fast that the hounds couldn't catch them down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. |
4: | We fired our cannon till the barrel metted down so we grabed an alligator and we fought another round we filled his head with cannon-balls and powdered his behind and when we touched the powder off the 'gator lost his mind. |
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Datum vytvoření :2014-02-02T20:13:04.76+00:00
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